Melanesian Indigenous Land Defence Alliance
Graon mo Solwota hemi Laef, hemi blong bubu bifo, yumi tudei, mo ol pikinini tumoro.
Graon mo Solwota hemi Laef, hemi blong bubu bifo, yumi tudei, mo ol pikinini tumoro.
MILDA is an Alliance with a shared vision and commitment to protect our indigenous land above and below, from rivers to the sea, our ecosystems, biodiversity, and intangible cultural heritage.
Our principal aim is to assist Indigenous Peoples in Melanesia maintain control over their land, sea, water, air and resources through continued use of their customary tenure systems. We assert that the customary land systems are the basis of life and community in Melanesia.
Our Secretariat
The MILDA Secretariat is comprised of participants from Vanuatu, PNG, Bougainville, West Papua, Kanaky, Fiji and the Solomon Islands. They gather annually in different island provinces throughout Melanesia to strengthen Melanesian self-determination and identity, to defend and perpetuate kastom economies and to protect our lands and waters. In 2019, the Secretariat celebrated 10 years of uniting Melanesia.